Serial LCD Configuration

Notes by Dan Peirce B.Sc.

Sparkfun Serial LCD Configuration Notes

For use with Sparkfun Serial LCD Modules

These notes for the configuration of Sparkfun serial LCD modules. Like the following:

Serial LCD Configuration

There is an image of the GUI in the screenshot. I could do some of the commands just using PuTTY but when attempting to find a way to send the 0xFE code I came across the suggestion on line to use Processing. The little application is something like a special purpose terminal program.

Most printable characters are sent over the USB to serial link to the LCD just as one types them.

The Processing Code

import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort; 

void setup() {
  size(230, 270);
  myPort = new Serial(this, "COM4", 9600);

void draw() {
  text(key, 10, 20); // Draw "key" at coordinate (10,20)
  text("1 - \" Hello World \"", 20, 40); // start of Menu
  text("2 - clear LCD", 20, 55);
  text("3 - Turn on underscore cursor", 20, 70); 
  text("4 - Turn visual display on - cursor off", 20, 85); //
  text("5 - Turn visual display off", 20, 100); //
  text("6 - SerLCD v2.5", 20, 115);
  text("7 - store as splash screen", 20, 130);
  text("8 - toggle splash screen", 20, 145);
  text("9 - Reset baud rate to 9600", 20, 160);
  text("0 - set baud rate to 2400", 20, 175);
  text("\\ - set baud rate to 9600", 20, 190); 
  text("@ - Set to 16 characters wide 2 rows", 20, 205); // 
  text("$ - Set to 16 characters wide 4 rows", 20, 220); //
  text("* - set back light on", 20, 235); //
  text("! - set back light off", 20, 250);                  // end of menu

void keyPressed() {
    if (key == '1') {
      myPort.write(" Hello World ");
    } else if(key == '2') {
      myPort.write(0xFE); // command code
      myPort.write(0x01); // clear screen
    } else if (key =='3') {
      myPort.write(0xFE); // command code
      myPort.write(0x0E); // Underline cursor on
    } else if (key =='4') {
      myPort.write(0xFE); // command code
      myPort.write(0x0C); // Underline cursor off display on
    } else if (key =='5') {
      myPort.write(0xFE); // command code
      myPort.write(0x08); // display off
    } else if (key =='6') {
      myPort.write("     SerLCD v2.5  ");
    } else if (key =='7') {
      myPort.write(0x7C); // command code
      myPort.write(0x0A); // store display as splash screen
    } else if (key =='8') {
      myPort.write(0x7C); // command code
      myPort.write(0x09); // toggle splash screen
    } else if (key =='9') {
      myPort.write(0x7C); // command code
      myPort.write(0x12); // reset to 9600 baud
    } else if (key =='0') {
      myPort.write(0x7C); // command code
      myPort.write(0x0B); // set to 2400 baud
    } else if (key =='\\') {
      myPort.write(0x7C); // command code
      myPort.write(0x0D); // set to 9600 baud
    } else if (key =='@') {
      myPort.write(0x7C); // command code
      myPort.write(0x04); // set to 16 characters wide  
      myPort.write(0x7C); // command code
      myPort.write(0x06); // set to 2 rows 
    } else if (key =='$') {
      myPort.write(0x7C); // command code
      myPort.write(0x04); // set to 16 characters wide  
      myPort.write(0x7C); // command code
      myPort.write(0x05); // set to 4 rows 
    } else if (key =='*') {
      myPort.write(0x7C); // command code
      myPort.write(157); // set back light 1on max
    } else if (key =='!') {
      myPort.write(0x7C); // command code
      myPort.write(128); // set back light off
    } else if (key == ' ') {
    } else if (key == CODED) 
    } else

Old Notes

I looked at Processing once before. It has an advantage in being quick and easy to use.

Old notes at old Processing Notes