Processing Computer Language

Notes by Dan Peirce B.Sc.
It would be nice to have a programming language that would make it real easy to creat a GUI for an interfacing project. Arduino users do this by making use of a "Processing" IDE. Since our students typically use C for programming there microcontroller projects we don't need the wiring/arduino language; we know how to program the MCU's in C. It is on the windows side of interfacing that we would like something simple. We could use processing for this. It is at least worth looking at as I expect one may be able to get projects up and running faster this way than using Perl/Tk which is method I have played with.

There is also a project for Processing on Android! but it is still Beta. (expect bugs in the system for Android for now at least).

May 23, 2011
Using Processing with the PIC development board. < link to notes >

April 16, 2011

The frame inserted below displays a random scatter plot.
The code was written in Processing and exported as a HTML page and Java applet (the browser used to view it requires a standard Java Plug-in). This demonstrates that a program written in Processing can be exported to be included in a web page. They can also be exported as an Application or run from within the free IDE. Since this is an applet and the points have a random placement it will look different each time the frame is refreshed. (source modified from example from

At the bottom of the applet frame there are two links. One link is for the source code that was used to create the contents of the frame and the other is a link to the web site where the Processing package was downloaded from. This is as it was created from the export option in the Processing IDE.

Processing can be downloaded from as a zip file. One simply extracts the contents of the file and opens the extracted folder processing-1.2.1 (that was the current stable version as of April 2011). Actual installation is not required! Just run the processing.exe file in the folder.

The current standard package comes with a lot of functionality but not a package specifically for creating scatter plots. Through on-line forums I found that I was not the first that wanted a functional library for creating a plot. Fortunetly other physics minded people have had the same need and have created a library for this purpose (it does more too 2d and 3d). This can be downloaded from
  1. Go to the link near the bottom of the page and download another zip file.
  2. Extract all the files.
  3. The resulting folder should be placed in the libraries folder in the processing-1.2.1 folder.
It's that easy. The package has an example for creating a two dimensional scatter plot. I simply used that example with a few simple modifications.
  • I reduced the total number of points plotted from 100 to 10. It just looked too cluttered to me.
  • I changed the colours in the plot so that it would show black on white (rather than white and red on black).
  • I want to make a few more changes but I might have to read some of the documentation first. progress...

April 11, 2011

April 9, 2011

April 8, 2011